If a group of investors suffers losses on stocks, bonds, or other securities due to fraudulent or unlawful dealings, they may be able to take legal action against the party who wronged them, or any third-party whose actions contributed to the loss. The group of investors can pool their similar claims together and litigate the case in one lawsuit, this is known as a class action. Class actions are efficient because they save investors time and money from filing each individual claim and it allows investors to pool resources and seek relief from big firms without bearing financial risk.

Silver Law Group has skilled securities fraud attorneys that regularly spearhead class action litigation nationwide on behalf of individual and institutional investors who have incurred financial losses because of brokers, financial advisors, or firm’s wrongful actions. We vigorously advocate for our clients and seek to secure the maximum damages for injured investors through securities class action cases. Please see our page on currently active securities class actions, which we promptly update as soon as a new claim is filed.

Overview of Securities Class Action Litigation

Class actions are an efficient mechanism to file claims on behalf of groups of harmed investors, but there are many different claims that can be filed. Silver Law Group specifically performs class actions for investors who have fallen victim to securities fraud or misconduct. Common examples of claims we litigate as class actions include:

  • Violations of the federal securities laws
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Accounting fraud
  • Corporate misconduct
  • Fraudulent misstatements (Misrepresentations)
  • Pump-and-dump schemes
  • Intentional concealment of key information (Omissions)
  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty

By allowing all affected investors to unite their claims, securities class action lawsuits amplify the collective voice demanding accountability and recovery from the parties responsible for the misconduct. While the road is long, a successful class action can provide meaningful relief to those who have unfairly suffered investment loss.

If you believe that you or a group of investors have been harmed by securities fraud or misconduct, then contact us today. You can also check our currently active class action page to see if you may qualify for one of our current cases.

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Often, grounds for securities class action litigation go back to a breach of fiduciary duty. In the securities industry, a fiduciary is a person or entity in a position of financial trust, such as investment advisor or brokerage firm. These fiduciaries owe obligations, otherwise known as duties, to investors like ensuring that investors are fully and accurately informed about their investments. A fiduciary might breach their duty by failing to disclose material facts to investors about specific securities. If that breach leads to financial loss, the investors may be entitled to compensation.

Lead Plaintiff

In class actions, an investor, known as the lead plaintiff, will file the claim against the fiduciary on behalf of all the other investors. The lead plaintiff represents the other class members, their interests, and has a claim that largely aligns with the average losses sustained by others in the group. A lead plaintiff can be an individual investor, institutional investor, an entity, or even a group of investors. Lead plaintiffs typically have the largest financial interest of the group and must be actively involved in the class action process For their work, lead plaintiffs may receive a pro rata share of any class wide settlement or trial recovery, and they may be eligible to receive additional compensation from the court.

Securities class actions are complex cases that can take several years to resolve. Investors who purchased the securities are eligible to join class actions, even if they sold the securities during its early stages. Potential financial recoveries for injured investors include cash payouts, shares of the firm’s stock, and a common settlement fund to compensate the injured investors’ losses.

Benefits of Securities Class Action Lawsuits

Securities class actions offer a key advantage – they allow smaller investors to join forces with those who have suffered greater losses. By consolidating their claims into a single action, plaintiffs can collectively share the costs of pursuing a federal case that would normally be too expensive for a single investor. Joining a securities class action takes minimal effort. Injured investors can participate without having to file an individual case. Rather, injured investors just need to provide their testimony and supporting documents, then allow Silver Law Group to handle the rest.

While awarded damages apply to the class action, compensation is not divided equally. Instead, the damage award for each harmed investor is calculated based on everyone’s financial losses from the alleged misconduct. This tailored approach ensures that the damage award is distributed proportionally to the harm each investor suffered. There is strength in numbers. A single claim may not carry as much weight in a securities fraud case. However, a large group of injured investors can show wrongdoers, often large, powerful corporations, that there are consequences to their misconduct or breach of fiduciary duty.

Discuss Your Case With a Securities Class Action Attorney

If you have been victim of securities fraud, then contact Silver Law Group immediately so we can discuss your legal options. Silver Law Group has a team of experts that will carefully evaluate your claim and advise if you may be eligible to join an existing class action or have grounds to initiate new litigation.

Silver Law Group will aggressively advocate for those harmed by securities misconduct. We understand how stressful this process may be, but we will work tirelessly to secure a suitable recovery on your behalf.

Contact us today to begin your one-on-one consultation with our experts or to learn more about the ongoing securities class actions that we may be pursing. We can determine if you qualify as a potential class member in a pending lawsuit. Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards getting the representation you deserve.